Thursday, August 20, 2015

So many videos so little time!

Hi everyone! It's officially hump day today! That's gotta be exciting for at least one more person out there as I know I'm not the only one who loves Wednesdays for the promise of a weekend that they bring. Lately I feel like I lack in the time department and I have a hard time prioritizing my day. The weekend is close though... so close I can taste it. And wouldn't you know it, it's already so full of plans. We'll see how much I actually get accomplished, but I'm really excited because IKEA might be in the plans and I love any reason to go there. If I could, I would live there! ;)

I've been editing our Europe trip vlogs and I gotta say that I'm slightly sad that I'm almost done. It's been so fun re-watching our fun summer experiences that I don't want it to end. It's almost like putting the videos together extended the trip somehow. If you're planning on taking a trip, I highly recommend recording at least some of it as it really makes a nice souvenir to look back on.

Here are the most recent videos from Paris as well as Amsterdam! Can I go back now please? ;)

Till next time!

Monday, August 3, 2015

Wasted Weekend?

Do you ever start your weekend off with the hopes of being productive and end your Sunday night with an even bigger list of things to do, because you didn't get to anything you hoped to work on?

Yup, that was my weekend. It might be why I'm up at 1:30am writing this post. Perhaps, it's to feel a bit productive before hitting the sack, but I tend to think it's because I have all this pent up energy and nowhere for it to go this late at night. Maybe, it's just so I can rant to someone since the husband is already asleep. Whatever the reason, I know I should be going to bed soon and not staring at another electronic screen.

I don't know why I hit this slump this weekend, but I just couldn't muster the motivation to do very much. Sure I managed to do a thing here and there, but I swear that on Friday night the weekend was so full of possibilities! I think the problem lies in the fact that I put too much hope and pressure on those two days each week and try to cram everything I don't have time for during the work week. I guess sometimes my body and mind need to hit their "power off" buttons and recharge? Well, here's to a week full of new possibilities! :)

Although this might not be the most positive thing to talk about, I'm sure that I'm not alone on this. Do you ever feel a slump on the weekend?

On a positive note, I did find salvageable vlog footage from our Euro trip and the two first videos are up on my channel! If you want to see what we were up to in Paris, feel free to check them out! :)

Wishing you a positive week!